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Anthology "Sublimation" : Songs and dances from 18th-century Scandinavia The Curious Bards, Ilektra Platiopoulou

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After two albums devoted to Ireland and Scotland, Alix Boivert and The Curious Bards cross the North Sea to Sweden and Norway. Rejecting the artificial distinction between ‘art’ and ‘folk’ music, they give us a chance to hear the colourful and varied world of eighteenth-century Scandinavian songs and dances.

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Sublimation Songs and dances from 18th-century Scandinavia · Pollonese No. 74 (2'56) compiled by Andreas Dahlgren, Tryserum, 1784 · Bruredansen / Paalsdans / Polsdans (4'13) compiled by Johannes Nielsen Schodsberg, Aremark, 1822 · Spelaren (2'53) Swedish song - text by Johan Elers, extr. Musiken till Glada Qväden, Stockholm, 1792 · Polonesse (4'38) music by Anders Larsson, extr. Sexdregasamlingen, Västergötland, late 18th century · Konung Eric och Spåkvinnan (2'49) Swedish song - text and music by Erik Gustaf Geijer (1783-1847), extr. Svenska folk-visor, Stockholm, 1814-1816 · Madame Trifes Liri e Dans (2'59) compiled by Otto Collett, Modum, 1798 · 2 Springedans (3'20) compiled by Ole Olsen Kruge, Kvelle, 1834 · Huldra å 'en Elland (5'33) Norwegian song - extr. Essai sur la Musique Ancienne et Moderne, compiled by Jean-Benjamin de Laborde, Paris, 1780 · Polsdans (1'46) compiled by Ole Olsen Kruge, 1834 ·  Frieras a Ongkar'n te Gjente (3'15) Norwegian song - extr. Samling af Sange, Folkeviser og Stev i Norske Almuedialekter, compiled by Ludvig Mathias Lindeman, 1840 Norsk Dands extr. 40 melodier for tasteinstrument, compiled by Ebbe Carsten Henric von Coldevin, 1780 · 2 Polsdans (2'53) compiled by Peder Pedersens, 18th century · Pol. (2'45) compiled by Ludvig Olsson, Danielshammar, 1772 · 2 March (3'11) extr. Sexdregasamlingen, Sexdrega, 18th century · Necken (4'52) Swedish song - compiled by Arvid Afzelius, Stockholm, early 19th century ·  Englis No. 2 (3'25) compiled by Ole Aamodts, 1750 2 Riil compiled by Johannes Nielsen Schodsberg, Aremark, 1822 · Signe Lita (2'51) Norwegian medieval song · Vals compiled by Ole Olsen Kruge, Kvelle, 1834 (2'59) · Pollonoise No. 9 (3'24) compiled by Andreas Grevelius, ca. 1780 Polonesse compiled by Johan Eric Blomgren, Hässlunda, 1785 · Grannas Lasse! Klang på lyran (3'36) Swedish song - music by Carl Michael Bellman (1740-1795), extr. Fredmans sånger, 1791 Engels compiled by Jacob Mestmacher, Bergen, ca. 1760


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