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MAURICE RAVEL Boléro, La Valse, Piano Concertos Georges Pludermacher, Orch. Nat. de Lille, Jean-Claude Casadesus

1 CD
    • Apple Music

    “Do you not find that there is something insistent in this theme? I shall try to repeat it incessantly, without any development, making the orchestra gradually grow as loud as I can. It might happen to succeed like ‘La Madelon’…” (Maurice Ravel).
    This title was released for the first time in 1993.

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    • Georges Pludermacher
    • Orchestre National de Lille
    • Jean-Claude Casadesus


    MAURICE RAVEL [1875-1937]
    · La valse
    Poème chorégraphique pour orchestre (13'14)
    · Concerto pour la main gauche
    pour piano et orchestre (18'59)
    Concerto en Sol majeur
    G major / G-dur

    pour piano et orchestre

    · Allegramente (8'04)
    · Adagio assai (8'41)
    · Presto (4'05)
    · Boléro pour orchestre (15'20)

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