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Orthodox Church Chant from the Slavonic liturgy Chœur des Moines de Chevetogne

    • Apple Music

    La sagrada luz de Oriente.
    Only the Orthodox Church has preserved to the present day this ‘original’ concept of Christian music according to which only the human voice but no instruments are permitted to take part in the worship of God. The Slav liturgy is no exception: taken from the most varied sources, all of the pieces on this recording contribute to the creation of an extraordinarily palpable atmosphere of exhortation and prayer.
    This title was released for the first time in 1965.

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    • Choeur des Moines Bénédictins de l’Union
    • Dom Gregoire Bainbridge


    • Anonymous


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    · Grnade Entrée du Samedi Saint Da moltchit vsiakaïa plot tchèloviétcha (Que toute chair mortelle se taise) (5'47)

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