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LEOS JANÁCEK Choral Works: Moravian Choruses, Nursery Rhymes, etc. Thomas Walter,Philip Mayers, Cappella Amsterdam, Daniel Reuss


Excerpt:Klänge aus Mähren. The pledge of Love

Janáček’s choral works draw on an extremely rich repertory of folksongs and folk tales. The composer seized on idioms from Bohemian and Moravian traditions, with their characteristic folk dances and rustic nursery rhymes, and on the recently published Moravian Duets of his compatriot Antonín Dvořák, to convey a mixture of emotions, forever shifting between cheerfulness and melancholy, like his subdued harmonies. Here we witness the birth of a musical language which, though deliberately rooted in central Europe, has projected for nearly a century the aura of a universal sentiment.

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Diapason d'or



LEOŠ JANÁCEK [1854-1928] Sechs Mährische Chöre (Six Moravian Choruses) transcribed from ANTONÍN DVORÁK's Moravian Duets · 1. The Slighted Heart (Dyby byla kosa nabrósená) (1'14) · 2. The Pledge of Love (Slavikovsky polecko maly) (1'16) · 3. Forsaken (Holub na javore) (1'33) · 4. Parting without Sorrow (V dobrym sme se sesli) (1'12) · 5. The Wild Rose (Sípek) (3'06) · 6. Trust (Zelenaj se, zelenaj) (3'06) · The Wild Duck (Kacena Divoká) (3'38) · The Wolf's Trail (Vlcí stopa) (7'32) · Elegy on the Death of My Daughter Olga (Elegie na smrt dcery Olgy) (7'35) Nursery Rhymes (Ríkadla) · I. Introduction (Úvod) (0'34) · II. The beetroot got married (Rípa se vdávala) (1'29) · III. There's nothing better than springtime (Není lepsí jako z jara) (1'11) · IV. The mole creeps (Leze krtek) (1'14) · V. Karel rode off to hell (Karel do pekla zajel) (0'37) · VI. Ragged trousers (Roztrhané kalhoty) (0'29) · VII. Franta the knacker's son (Franta rasu) (0'58) · VIII. Our dog, our dog (Nás pes, nás pes) (0'34) · IX. I preach, I preach a sermon (Delám, delám kázání) (1'01) · X. The old woman was casting spells (Stará bába carovala) (0'39) · XI. Ho, ho, off go the cows (Hó, hó, krávy dó) (1'08) · XII. My tiny little wife (Moje zena malucická) (0'37) · XIII. Granny's crawled into the elder bush (Bába leze do bezu) (0'21) · XIV. The white goat's picking up the pears (Koza bílá hrusky sbírá) (0'39) · XV. Grumpy German broke the pots (Nemec brouk, hrnce tlouk) (0'44) · XVI. Nanny goat's lying in the hay (Koza lezi na sene) (0'46) · XVII. Vasek, the rascal, the drummer boy (Vasek, pasek, bubeník) (0'46) · XVIII. Frantík, Frantík (Frantíku, Frantíku) (0'22) · XIX. The bear sat on a log (Sedel medvid' na kolodi) (1'35) · Our evenings (Nase vecery) (4'11) · Ave Maria (Varyto) (4'55) · Our Father (Otcenás) (16'08)

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