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LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol.2 Paul Lewis

    • Apple Music

    The release of volume I of the complete Beethoven sonatas by Paul Lewis was warmly and unanimously acclaimed by the international press:

    "Élégance. C’est le terme qui revient souvent à l’esprit pour qualifier le jeu de Paul Lewis dans ces sonates." (Pianiste) • ‘I can scarcely wait to hear the rest of this deeply serious and sensitive young pianist's epic undertaking.’(Gramophone Editor's Choice) • ‘There isn’t a bar in any of these sonatas that seem ill-considered or hastily characterised; if tempos are generally on the measured side, Lewis's sense of structure and constant awareness of what the harmonic rhythm is doing allows him to generate tension in the most subtle ways.’ (The Guardian) • ‘This inaugural disc in Paul Lewis's cycle of the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas is of such a high order that it promises to make the whole projected series a must for anybody who admires pianism at its most perceptive.’ • ‘Lewis has been living and breathing these sonatas in concert and it shows – he really does have something to say. (…) I, for one, can’t wait for the next instalment.’ (BBC Radio 3) • The Daily Telegraph: Best Classical Releases of 2005 • "Packende, luzide, dramatisch ausgefeilte Interpretationen" (Der Spiegel) • "Man spürt es vom ersten Ton an. Hier sitzt einer am Klavier, der hat das gewisse Etwas." (NDR)

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    LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN [1770-1827]
    Sonata no.8 "Pathétique" in C minor
    ut mineur / c-moll op.13

    · I. Grave - Allegro di molto e con brio (9'48)
    · II. Andante cantabile (5'23)
    · III. Rondo. Allegro (5'21)
    Sonata no.11 in B flat major
    Si bémol majeur / B-dur op.22

    · I. Allegro con brio (7'39)
    · II. Adagio con molto espressione (7'18)
    · III. Tempo di Menuetto (3'25)
    · IV. Rondo. Allegretto (6'51)
    Sonata no.28 in A major
    La majeur / A-dur op.11

    · I. Allegretto ma non troppo. Etwas lebhaft und mit der innigsten Empfindung (4'03)
    · II. Vivace alla marcia. Lebhaft (6'41)
    · III. Adagio ma non troppo con affetto. Langsam und sehnsuchtsvoll
    IV. Allegro ma non troppo. Geschwind, doch nicht zu sehr, und mit Entschlossenheit (11'26)

    Sonata no.9 in E major
    Mi majeur / E-dur op.14 n°1

    · I. Allegro (7'03)
    · II. Allegretto (3'26)
    · III. Rondo. Allegro commodo (3'39)
    Sonata no.10 in G major
    Sol majeur / G-dur op.14 n°2

    · I. Allegro (7'50)
    · II. Andante (5'06)
    · III. Scherzo. Allegro assai (4'08)
    Sonata no.24 in F sharp major
    Fa dièse majeur / Fis-dur op.78

    · I. Allegro ma non troppo (7'19)
    · II. Allegro vivace (3'10)
    Sonata no.21 "Waldstein" in C major
    en Ut majeur / C-dur op.53

    · I. Allegro con brio (11'27)
    · II. Introduzione. Adagio molto (4'35)
    · III. Rondo. Allegretto moderato (10'52)

    Sonata no.27 in E minor
    mi mineur / e-moll op.90

    · I. Allegro. Mit Lebhaftigkeit und durchaus mit Empfindung und Ausdruck (5'46)
    · II. Rondo. Nicht zu geschwind und sehr singbar vorzutragen (8'27)
    Sonata no.25 "Alla tedesca" in G major
    Sol majeur / G-dur op.79

    · I. Presto alla tedesca (5'30)
    · II. Andante (2'33)
    · III. Vivace (2'10)
    Sonata no.29 "Hammerklavier" in B flat major
    Si bémol majeur / B-dur op.106

    · I. Allegro (11'39)
    · II. Scherzo. Assai vivace (2'48)
    · III. Adagio sostenuto. Appassionato e con molto sentimento (18'31)
    · IV. Largo - Allegro risoluto (12'52)

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