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Orthodox Church Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom Chorale Sofia, Dimitre Rouskov

    • Apple Music

    The splendour of Orthodox Chant
    The most common form in which the liturgy is celebrated in the Eastern Church is that laid out by St John Chrysostom. While its contents are essentially the same, its form and spiritual climate are very different from those of the Roman liturgy. The believer taking part in these mystical events feels himself transported into another world. It is almost impossible for the listener to avoid being gripped by the stirring exhortation to prayer and meditation that is emitted by the almost supernatural power of this ancient liturgy.

    This title was released for the first time in 1970.

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    • Chorale Sofia
      Choral ensemble
    • Dimitre Rouskov


    • Anonymous


    · Grande Litanie de Paix (3'00)
    · Petite Antienne et Petite Litanie (1'45)
    · Deuxième Antienne et Petite Litanie (2'24)
    · Troisième Antienne et Procession de l'Evangile (2'08)
    · Trishagion (2'35)
    · Epître - Alléluia (3'38)
    · Evangile (4'04)
    · Litanie instante (2'05)
    · L'Hymne des Chérubins et la Grande Entrée (5'20)
    · Litanie de l'Offertoire (2'31)
    · Baiser de la Paix et Symbole de Foi (3'49)
    · Canon ou Action de Grâces (3'14)
    · Consécration (3'40)
    · Louange de la Vierge et Prières pour l'Eglise - Litanie de la Communion (4'23)
    · Oraison dominicale (2'25)
    · Communion (1'34)
    · Action de Grâces (3'31)
    · Prières finales (2'20)

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