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Compilation Four Centuries of Chant Anonymous 4

    • Apple Music

    For those who love the purity of chant, for the audiences who are discovering chant (or returning to it) as listeners or as singers, and also for those who are new to the work of Anonymous 4, the celebrated vocal quartet presents some of the greatest medieval chants culled from its acclaimed recordings, performed in a free and flexible manner, guided by the meaning, sound, and flow of the text.
    ‘Aesthetic bliss and technical perfection’ – Philadelphia Inquirer

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    An English Ladymass
    · Gaude virgo gratiosa (1'58)
    · Felix namque (1'47)
    · Ave maris stella (3'37)
    The Lily & the Lamb
    · O gloriosa domina (2'03)
    · Stabat iuxta Christi crucem (5'31)
    · Ave regina celorum (1'30)
    Miracles of Sant'Iago
    · Ad sepulcrum beati Iacobi (2'14)
    · Iacobe servorum (2'15)
    · Ascendens Ihesus in montem (3'47)
    · Isten, téged (6'03)
    HILDEGARD VON BINGEN [1098-1179]
    · Spiritui sancto (6'56)
    A Lammas Ladymass
    · Que est ista (0'52)
    · O quam glorifica (3'30)
    · Recordare virgo mater / Mater patris et filia (4'37)
    · Ex eius tumba / Sospitati dedit egros (6'18)
    · Judicii signum (6'10)
    Darkness into Light
    · O lux beata trinitas (2'18)
    · Quinque prudentes virgines (4'13)
    The Origin of Fire
    · O ignis spiritus paracliti (7'53)
    · Beata nobis gaudia (2'49)

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