"Birds on fire". Jewish music for viols
Excerpt:Thomas LUPO. Pavan in 3 parts no.26
The programme presented by Fretwork illustrates the genuinely cosmopolitan atmosphere that sustained musical creation at the Tudor and Stuart courts, which did not hesitate to draw on the sources of Franco-Flemish or Italian music. Although the Jews had been banished from the kingdom of England since 1290, the Italian-Jewish Bassano and Lupo families became veritable compositional dynasties, dominating music at court for the best part of a century between 1550 and 1650. Birds on Fire, by the British composer Orlando Gough, adds a contemporary echo inspired by klezmer music.
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Orlando Gough
Salamone de Rossi Ebreo
Leonora Duarte
Thomas Lupo
Philip van Wilder
Augustine Bassano
Hieronymus Bassano
Joseph Lupo
ORLANDO GOUGH [1953-] · Birds on Fire [1] (5'53) SALAMONE DE ROSSI EBREO Ashkivénu [Prayer] · Dances from the Lumley Part Books Desperada [86] (1'04) · Pavana [95] (1'13) · Galliard [96] (1'07) · Seconda Desperada [80] (1'32) · Pavin of Albarti [97] (1'25) · Gallyard of Albarti [98] (0'42) · Terza Desperada [81] (1'19) LEONORA DUARTE [1610-1678] · no.6, Octave toni (sopra Sol mi fa la sol) (1'54) THOMAS LUPO [1571-1628] · Fantasia in 6 parts no.1 (4'05) ORLANDO GOUGH [1953-] · Birds on Fire [2] (7'36) PHILIP VAN WILDER [1500-1553] · Fantasia con pause e senza pause (3'40) THOMAS LUPO [1571-1628] · Pavan in 3 parts no.26 (2'56) · Fantasia [Air] in 4 parts no.5 (2'01) · Fantasia in 6 parts no.9 (3'50) AUGUSTINE BASSANO [c.1526-1604] · Galliard (1'07) HIERONYMUS BASSANO [1559-1635] · Fantasia no.1 (3'05) JOSEPH LUPO [-1616] · Pavana a 5 (2'19) THOMAS LUPO [1571-1628] · Fantasia in 6 parts no.4 (3'41) · Fantasia in 6 parts no.11 (3'25) ORLANDO GOUGH [1953-] · Birds on Fire [3] (10'27) SALAMONE DE ROSSI EBREO · Shir hamma'alót [Paslm 128] (3'02)
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