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LEONARD BERNSTEIN Mass, New York 1969-71 Ensemble Clément Janequin

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    Dona nobis pacem – Peace and Love!
    Woodstock, Nixon and the Vietnam War were undoubtedly underlying influences on the increasingly oppressive dramaturgy of this incredible ‘Theatre Piece’ composed in memory of J. F. Kennedy. ‘What's a Jewish boy like you doing writing a Mass?’, Bernstein was asked at the premiere in September 1971. Perhaps the answer lies with the ‘Celebrant’, the central figure in this work originally performed by 200 singers, instrumentalists and dancers, a piece at the crossroads between religions – and at the stylistic crossroads between classical, jazz, folk, blues, and rock – which today is still as relevant as ever.
    This title was released for the first time in 2004.

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    LEONARD BERNSTEIN [1918-1990]
    A Theatre Piece for Singers, Players and Dancers

    · I. Devotions before Mass
    1. Antiphon: "Kyrie eleison" (2'28)
    · 2. Hymn and Psalm: A simple song (3'46)
    · 3. Responsory: "Alleluia" (1'07)
    · II. First Introit (Rondo)
    1. Prefatory Prayers (5'06)
    · 2. Thrice - Triple Canon: Dominus vobiscum (0'42)
    · III. Second Introit
    1. In nomine Patris (2'03)
    · 2. Prayer for the Congregation (1'39)
    · 3. Epiphany (0'56)
    · IV. Confession
    1. Confiteor (2'11)
    · 2. Trope: "I don't know" (1'30)
    · 3. Trope: "Easy" (4'42)
    · V. Meditation No.1 (6'11)
    · VI. Gloria
    1. Gloria tibi (1'38)
    · 2. Gloria in excelsis (1'17)
    · 3. Trope: "Half of the People" (0'59)
    · 4. Trope: "Thank you" (2'42)
    · VII. Meditation No.2 (3'37)
    · VIII. Epistle "The Word of Lord" (5'53)
    · IX. Gospel-Sermon "God said" (4'28)

    A Theatre Piece for Singers, Players and Dancers

    · X. Credo
    1. Credo in unum Deum (1'10)
    · 2. Trope: "Non Credo" (2'17)
    · 3. Trope: "Hurry" (1'22)
    · 4. World Without End (1'34)
    · 5. Trope: "I Believe in God" (1'58)
    · XI. Meditation No.3 (De profundis, part 1) (2'44)
    · XII. Offertory (De profundis, part 2) (2'02)
    · XIII. The Lord's Prayer
    1. "Our father..." (2'07)
    · 2. Trope: "I Go On" (2'34)
    · XIV. Sanctus "Holy! Holy! Holy!..." (5'19)
    · XV. Agnus Dei (5'38)
    · XVI. Fraction "Things Get Broken" (14'19)
    · XVII. Pax: Communion "Secret Songs" (9'43)

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