Nachtgesang. Choral Lieder
RIAS Kammerchor Berlin, Marcus Creed
1 CD
Apple Music
Night Songs.
Whether it be cheerful, melancholy, amorous or piouslycontemplative, the night - a favorite source of romantic inspiration ifever there was one - is the unbroken thread running throughout thisrecording on which we will find monumental pieces like the Gesang derGeister uber dem Wasser side by side with more descriptive pieces likeDer Gondelfahrer. The composer of an abundant body of chorale music,Schubert is here in his element, and yet, it is astonishing how littleimportance he attached to these masterly pieces! Their stunning beautyreveals that they are in no way inferior to the finest of his solosongs.
Philip Mayers plays a fortepiano by Johann Fritz, Vienna, 1825.