Orchestral Suites Nos.1-4
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
Apple Music
Called ʻOuvertürenʼ in Germany, because they began with a large-scale overture à la française, Bach's Suites for orchestra offer a unique synthesis of the French and the Italian styles. The Kantor of Leipzig did not content himself with a mere set of amiable dances for his Collegium Musicum: he renewed the genre in his own manner, accenting the contrasts, refining the orchestration, and introducing a hitherto unknown contrapuntal element. Two centuries later these admirable orchestral works continue to represent an indispensable treasure of the Baroque. This title was released for the first time in 1996.
Suite n°3 en Ré majeur / D major / D-dur BWV 1068
· Ouverture (10'28)
· Air (4'17)
· Gavottes I & II alternativement (4'13)
· Bourrée (1'06)
· Gigue (2'43)Suite n°1 en Ut majeur / C major / C-dur BWV 1066
· Ouverture (9'54)
· Courante (1'59)
· Gavottes I & II alternativement (3'13)
· Forlane (1'18)
· Menuets I & II alternativement (3'29)
· Bourrées I & II alternativement (2'43)
· Passepieds I & II alternativement (3'26)Suite n°4 en Ré majeur / D major / D-dur BWV 1069
· Ouverture (12'28)
· Bourrées I & II alternativement (3'08)
· Gavotte (1'51)
· Menuets I & II alternativement (4'05)
· Réjouissance (2'37)Suite n°2 en si mineur / B minor / h-moll BWV 1067
· Ouverture (11'44)
· Rondeau (1'44)
· Sarabande (2'49)
· Bourrées I & II alternativement (2'03)
· Polonaise & Double (3'40)
· Menuet (1'10)
· Badinerie (1'35)
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