Overtures for the Hamburg Opera
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
1 CD
Apple Music
‘Not the least ornament and embellishment of this city’: it was in such terms that the Hamburg town council described the status of music in the city’s public life in the year 1615. Forty years after the opening of the first public opera house (in Venice), the date of 1678 marked the inauguration of its German equivalent: this was the stamping-ground of such masters as Keiser, Erlebach and Schürmann, but also of a certain (very!) young man named Georg Friedrich Händel. This CD contains a selection of the finest overtures and orchestral suites from the Hamburg Opera’s first forty years. This title was released for the first time in 2005.
GEORG CASPAR SCHÜRMANN [1672/73-1751] Suite "Ludovicus Pius" (Louis le Pieux) · I. Ouverture (6'37) · II. Menuet (3'17) · III. Ballet - Entre (2'28) · IV. Gigue (0'53) · V. Staccato (2'48) · VI. Ballet I (1'16) · VII. Ballet II (1'20) · VIII. Gigue (1'06) PHILIPP HEINRICH ERLEBACH [1657-1714] Ouverture n°4 (des VI Ouvertures avec leurs Airs à la Manière française) · I. Ouverture (3'51) · II. Air Gavotte (0'43) · III/IV. Air Menuet I/II (3'21) · V. Air Bourrée (0'43) · VI. Air Courante (1'02) · VII. Air Entrée (1'02) · VIII. Air Gavotte (1'04) · IX. Air Traquenard (1'26) · X. Air Lentement (3'03) REINHARD KEISER [1674-1739] · Le Ridicule Prince Jodelet, Sinfonia (4'15) GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL [1685-1759] Almira, suite de danses · I. Ouverture (4'01) · II. Chaconne (1'27) · III. Courante (0'53) · IV. Sarabande (3'33) · V. Bourrée (0'31) · VI. Menuet (1'09) · VII. Rigaudon (0'51) · VIII. Rondeau (1'09) · IX. Ritornello (1'00) JOHANN CHRISTIAN SCHIEFERDECKER [1679-1732] Concerts musicaux (1713) : Premier Concert · I. Ouverture (3'01) · II. Passepied (0'45) · III. Entrée (2'21) · IV. Gigue (1'21) · V. Chaconne (3'32)
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