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"Les Funérailles Royales de (The Royal Funeral of) Louis XIV" - DVD

Pygmalion, dir. Raphaël Pichon
2 Blu-ray
HMD 9909056.57

The funeral of Louis XIV mirrored his reign: grandiose and filled with pathos. Raphaël Pichon has chosen the setting of the Chapelle Royale in Versailles, built ‘for the use’ of the Sun King, to present a musical reconstruction of the event, with chiaroscuro lighting designs by Bertrand Couderc. Solemn grands motets like the De profundis and Dies irae of Michel-Richard de Lalande and the poignant Marche funèbre pour le Convoy du Roy by André Danican Philidor are juxtaposed with rarely heard music by Jean Colin, Louis Chein and Charles d’Helfer. An outstanding performance by Pygmalion, filmed on the occasion of the tercentenary of the event, in November 2015.

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Top Mezzo Award



CLAUDE DEBUSSY [1862-1918]
· Les Funérailles royales de Louis XIV (101'31)

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