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CHRISTOPHORUS DEMANTIUS Vespers for Whitsun Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel

1 CD
    • Apple Music

    Renaissance pageantry in Saxony.
    An exact contemporary of Monteverdi (they were born and died in the same years), the Bohemian Christophorus Demantius was a prodigiously inventive composer totally outside the Italian avant-garde movement heralded by his transalpine ‘twin’. And yet, paradoxically enough, not unlike Gesualdo (perhaps even more autonomously), he explored new musical avenues with extraordinary ingenuity while remaining attached to the polyphonic style of the Renaissance. In this respect these highly festive ‘Whitsun Vespers’ are something like a sumptuous transition from the ‘old’ counterpoint of Lassus and Praetorius to the imminent innovations of Schein and Schütz.

    This title was released for the first time in 2000.

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    • Huelgas-Ensemble
    • Paul Van Nevel


    • Christophorus Demantius


    Vêpres de Pentecoste
    Trias Precum Vespertinarum, Nürnberg 1602

    · Deus in adiutorium à 5 (3'20)
    · Dixit Dominus à 6 (4'58)
    · Lauda Jerusalem à 6 (5'21)
    · Laudate Dominum à 6 (2'49)
    · Laudate pueri à 6 (4'30)
    · Hymnus : Veni Sancte Spiritus à 6 (3'03)
    · Magnificat à 3 & 5 (9'13)
    · Benedicamus Domino à 6 (2'24)
    Freybergk 1620

    · Lass mich o Christ à 5 (4'32)
    · Aus tieffer Noth à 5 (6'21)

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