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Bachfest Leipzig

Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin

Bernhard Forck
Kit Armstrongsichord

Leipzig, DE
Paulinum – Aula und Universitätskirche St. Pauli



Johann Bernhard Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 1 in G minor for Solo-Violin, Strings and Basso Continuo
Johann Sebastian Bach: Excerpts from „Die Kunst der Fuge“, BWV 1080
Johann Christian Bach: Concerto in F minor for Harpsichord, Strings and Basso continuo
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Sinfonia in B-flat major, Wq 182/2
Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto in D minor for Harpsichord, Strings and Basso continuo, BWV 1052

Monteverdi Choir
Members of the English Baroque Soloists
Sir John Eliot Gardiner

Leipzig, DE

Andreas Reize
Raphael Höhn
Daniel Ochoa
Soloist of the Thomanerchor
Alexander Chance
Robert Pohlers
Tobias Berndt
Thomasorganist Johannes Lang

Leipzig, DE

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