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My favorite Dowland

Paul O'Dette
1 CD
    • Apple Music

    Paul O’Dette offre ici une relecture de son anthologie personnelle d’une œuvre magistrale.

    “[La musique de Dowland]... vibre au cœur de l’homme.” – Thomas Lodge, A Learned Summary (1621)

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    JOHN DOWLAND [1562/1563-1626]
    · My Lady Hunnsdon's Puffe (P 54) (1'24)
    · The Shoemaker's Wife. A Toy (P 58) (1'07)
    · La Mia Barbara (P 95) (6'01)
    · Sir John Smith, his Almain (P 47) (2'33)
    · A Fancy (P 6) (2'51)
    · Sir John Langton, his Pavin (P 14) (5'58)
    · The King of Denmark, his Galliard (P 40) (2'51)
    · The Frog Galliard (P 23a) (1'59)
    · Lachrimae (P 15) (5'38)
    · Galliard to Lachrimae (P 46) (2'32)
    · Fantasie (P 1a) (3'57)
    · Farewell (P 3) (6'17)
    · Forlorne Hope Fancye (P 2) (3'38)
    · The Right Honourable Robert, Earl of Essex, his Galliard (P 42a) (1'45)
    · A Coye Joye (P 80) (0'57)
    · Mrs Vaux's Gigge (P 57) (1'07)
    · Mrs Winter's Jump (P 55) (1'29)
    · The Right Honourable the Lady Cliftons Spirit (P 45) (1'47)
    · Walsingham (P 67) (5'05)
    · A Fancy (P 5) (2'29)
    · A Pavin (P 18) (5'36)
    · The most sacred Queene Elizabeth, her Galliard (P 41) (1'13)
    · Semper Dowland semper dolens (P 9) (7'09)

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