Sébastien Daucé and Ensemble Correspondances leave Paris and the other side of the English Channel for an excursion to the shores of the Baltic, between Lübeck and Stockholm, to explore Lutheran music before Bach, from Buxtehude to Schütz and the rarely heard Dijkman. The works devoted to the Passion of Christ, in particular, reflect a mystical universe imbued with a mysterious beauty.
DIETRICH BUXTEHUDE [1637-1707] Membra Jesu nostri BuxWV 75 Membra Jesu nostri patientis sanctissima humillima totius cordis devotione decantata · I. Ad pedes. Ecce super montes (7'40) · II. Ad genua. Ad ubera portabimini (7'44) · III. Ad manus. Quid sunt plagæ istæ (9'19) · IV. Ad latus. Surge amica mea (8'13) · V. Ad pectus. Sicut modo geniti infantes (10'11) · VI. Ad cor. Vulnerasti cor meum (8'40) · VII. Ad faciem. Illustra faciem tuam (6'09)
· Klag-Lied: Muß der Tod denn auch entbinden BuxWV 76/2 (12'47) · Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin Bux WV 76/1 (4'39) HEINRICH SCHÜTZ [1585-1672] · Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott SWV 447 (4'42) Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund SWV 478 · I. Introitus (2'10) · II. Symphonia (1'25) · III. Die sieben Worte (10'43) · IV. Symphonia (1'20) · V. Conclusio (1'52) LÜDERT DIJKMAN Lamentum eller En Sorge-Music · I. Aria (5'19) · II. Öde-Gudinnornas Swar (0'26) · III. Aria (1'36) DIETRICH BUXTEHUDE [1637-1707] · Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr BuxWV 41 (18'18)
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