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Canon et Gigue. Musikalische Ergötzung, Trio sonatas

London Baroque
    • Apple Music

    Pachelbel was not only a famous organist, but also a prolific composer. This recording offers the chance to hear his six suites entitled 'Musical Delight'. These pieces are true gems of seventeenth-century instrumental music, just like his now famous 'Canon and Gigue', in which Pachelbel skilfully combines his knowledge of counterpoint and his creativity in the field of variations.
    This title was released for the first time in 1995.

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    • London Baroque
    • Charles Medlam


    · Partie a 4 in G-dur / Sol majeur / G major Sonatina - Allemande - Gavott - Courant - Aria - Saraband - Gigue - Finale (5'15)· Partie I in F-dur / Fa majeur / F major Sonata allegro - Allemand - Courant - Ballet - Saraband - Gigg (8'17)· Partie II in c-moll / ut mineur / C minor Sonata - Gavotte - Treza - Aria - Saraband - Gigg (6'58)· Partie a 4 in G-dur / Sol majeur / G major Sonatina - Gavott- Courant- Gavotte- Saraband - Gigg  (8'03)· Partie III in B-dur / Si bémol majeur / B flat major Sonata allegro - Allemand - Courant - Gavotte - Saraband - Gigg (7'21)· Partie IV in e-moll / mi mineur / E minor Adagio - Aria - Courant - Aria - Ciacona (8'47)· Partie a 4 in fis-moll / fa dièse mineur / F sharp minor  Sonata - Allemande - Trezza - Aria presto - Courante - Sarabande - Gigue (8'26)· Partie V in C-dur / Ut majeur / C major Sonata - Aria - Trezza - Ciacona (6'33)· Partie VI in B-dur / Si bémol majeur / B major Sonata adagio - Aria - Courant - Gavotte - Saraband - Gigg (9'06)· Canon et Gigue pour trois violons et basse continuefor three violins and b.c. (5'18)

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