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· Eternity's Sunrise (10'54)
· Song of the Angel (4'49)
· Petra: A Ritual Dream (10'29)
· Sappho: Lyrical Fragments (14'31)
· Funeral Canticle (23'54)
JOHN TAVENER Eternity's Sunrise. Song of the Angel. Petra: A Ritual draem. Sappho. Funeral Canticle The Academy of Ancient Music, Paul Goodwin
I have so much enjoyed working with The Academy of Ancient Music and we have together produced what seems to me a very interesting disc. In one sense, all of this music confronts Death, Love, and Eternity: death of a beloved father in Funeral Canticle; Sappho's exquiste longings for her love in Sappho: Lyrical Fragments; and Seferis showing his long Odyssean voyage on rotten timbers to those islands ever so slightly out of reach in Petra. And, then, the mystery of Eternity: Blake's Eternity's Sunrise and the Song of the Angel. In the words of St. Isaac the Syrian: "When we reach love, we have reached God; our road is ended and we have crossed to the Island which is beyond the world."
John Tavener
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- Academy of Ancient Music
- Paul GoodwinConductor
- Andrew ManzeViolin
- Patricia RozarioSoprano
- George MosleyBaritone
- John Tavener
· Eternity's Sunrise (10'54)
· Song of the Angel (4'49)
· Petra: A Ritual Dream (10'29)
· Sappho: Lyrical Fragments (14'31)
· Funeral Canticle (23'54)