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JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH Magnificat BWV 243. Cantata BWV 80 Philippe Herreweghe

1 CD
    • Apple Music

    'My soul doth magnify the Lord.'
    The Magnificat was the very first work Bach composed after his appointment as Cantor of St. Thomas's School in Leipzig in 1723. We can imagine the care he lavished on the work that was to establish him in this new function. It was revised some years later: the key was changed to D major and the forces were considerably enlarged. This is the version in which one of Bach's most famous choral works has come down to us.

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    Magnificat BWV 243 · Chœur Magnificat anima mea Dominum (2'58) · Aria (soprano 2) Et exultavit spiritus meus (2'27) · Aria (soprano 1) Quia respexit humilitatem (2'42) · Chœur Omnes generationes (1'18) · Aria (basse) Quia fecit mihi magna (2'01) · Duo (alto, ténor) Et misericordia ejus (3'38) · Chœur Fecit potentiam (1'48) · Aria (ténor) Deposuit potentes (1'57) · Aria (alto) Esurientes (3'12) · Trio (sopranos 1 et 2, alto) Suscepit Israel (1'48) · Chœur Sicut locutus est (1'36) · Chœur Gloria (2'09) Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott BWV 80 · Choral Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (4'54) · Aria (basse + choral) Alles, was von Gott geboren (3'53) · Recitativo (basse) Erwäge doch (1'56) · Aria (soprano) Komm in mein Herzenshaus (3'07) · Choral Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär (3'30) · Recitativo (ténor) So stehe dann (1'29) · Duetto (alto, ténor) Wie selig sind doch die (4'04) · Choral Das Wort sie sollen lassen stahn (1'25)

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