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Messe de Notre Dame

Ensemble Organum, Marcel Pérès
1 CD
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    As a ‘craftsman of the old and the new forge’, Guillaume de Machaut contributed to the tradition of his famous predecessors such as Adam de la Halle and Jehan Lescurel in laying the foundations for an aesthetic with an illustrious future, the Ars Nova. His Messe de Notre Dame, the first complete mass cycle whose composer is known, forms the quintessence of the renewal of sonorities and rhythms which marked the 14th century in France and Italy.

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    GUILLAUME DE MACHAUT [1300-1377] · Introït Suscepimus Deus misericordiam tuam (5'00) · Kyrie (10'08) · Gloria (5'57) · Graduel Suscepimus Deus misericordiam tuam (5'12) · Alleluia Adorabo ad templum sanctum (2'51) · Credo (9'37) · Offertoire Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis (2'36) · Préface Vere dignum et justum est (2'44) · Sanctus (4'46) · Agnus Dei (3'27) · Communion Introït Suscepimus Deus misericordiam tuam (2'53) · Ite missa est - Deo gratias (1'21)

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