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GIOACCHINO ROSSINI Petite Messe solennelle RIAS Kammerchor, Marcus Creed

1 CD
    • Apple Music

    “Small is beautiful”!
    After the celebrated Stabat Mater, already recorded to great acclaim by the RIAS-Kammerchor, here is Rossini’s other masterpiece in the domain of sacred music, the last of his “sins of old age”. This Petite Messe solennelle is indeed “small” in terms of the forces deployed - the instrumental accompaniment is limited to two pianos and a harmonium - but it also well deserves the adjective “solemn” for its ample scale and its formidable dramatic power. In many respects, this work may be seen as its composer’s musical testament. Dazzled, like all his critical colleagues, Filippo Filippi wrote after the first performance in March 1864: “This time, Rossini has surpassed himself, for no-one can tell what is the more impressive, his learning or his inspiration.”

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    • Krassimira Stoyanova
    • Birgit Remmert
    • Steve Davislim
    • Hanno Müller-Brachmann
    • Marcus Creed


    GIOACCHINO ROSSINI [1792-1868] · Kyrie Kyrie (2'28) · Christe (1'48) · Kyrie (2'22) · Gloria Gloria in excelsis Deo (0'37) · Laudamus te (1'46) · Gratias (4'46) · Domine Deus (5'37) · Qui tollis (6'22) · Quoniam (7'32) · Cum Sancto Spiritu (5'38) · Credo Credo in unum Deum (4'14) · Crucifixus (3'19) · Et resurrexit (4'50) · Et vitam venturi (4'10) · Prélude religieux (pendant l'Offertoire) (7'37) · Ritournelle (0'35) · Sanctus (3'53) · O salutaris hostia (5'26) · Agnus Dei (7'26)

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