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RACHMANINOFF - SHOSTAKOVICH Russian Songs Iris Oja, Roger Vignoles



According to Rachmaninoff, ‘A composer’s music should express the country of his birth, his love affairs, his religion, the books that have influenced him, the pictures he loves. It should be the sum total of a composer’s experience.’ Once a composer has thus affirmed his desire for self-exposure, what musical form could be better suited to the expression of such intimate experiences than the solo song? Iris Oja here lends her voice to the soul of two major composers of 20th-century Russia, swept along by their friendships and their loves, their assertions of national identity, their feeling for politics and their respect for folk traditions.

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  • Iris Oja
  • Roger Vignoles


Spanish Songs op.100, from folk melodies & texts
· Proshchai, Grenada!
Farewell, Granada! / Adieu à Grenade / Abschied von Granada (2'37)
· Zvyozdochki
Starlets / Petites étoiles / Kleine Sterne (2'01)
· Pervaya vstrecha
The First Encounter / Première rencontre / Das erste Mal (3'21)
· Ronda
The Round Dance / Ronde / Ronda (1'57)
· Chernookaya
The Dark-Eyed Girl / La fille aux yeux noirs / Schwarzäugiges Mädchen (2'56)
· Son
The Dream, Barcarole / Rêve / Traum (2'02)
· My otdokhnyom op.26/3
We shall find rest / Nous jouirons du repos / Wir werden aufatmen (2'20)
· Noch
Night / Nuit / Nacht (3'23)
· Khristos voskres op.26/6
Christ is risen / Le Christ est ressuscité / Christ ist erstanden (2'29)
· Koltso op.26/14
The Ring / L'anneau / Der Ring (2'55)
· Ya zhdu tebya op.14/1
I await you / Je t'attends / Ich warte auf dich (1'39)
· Duma op.8/3
Brooding / Méditation / Trübe Gedanken (3'12)
· O net, molyu, ne ukhodi! op.4/1
I beg you, stay, forsake me not! / Oh reste, je t'en prie, ne pars pas ! / O bleib, ich bitt dich, geh nicht fort! (1'50)
· O ne grusti op.14/8
O, do not grieve! / Oh, ne t'afflige pas ! / O gräme dich nicht! (3'04)
· Prokhodit vsyo op.26/15
All things depart / Tout passe / Alles muß vergehen) (1'51)
· Kak mne bolno op.21/12
How it pains me / Comme je souffre / Wie schmerzt es mich (1'46)
· V moyei dushe op.14/10
Whithin my soul / Dans mon âme / In meiner Seele) (2'23)
· Utro op.4/2
Morning / Matin / Morgen (1'54)
· Son op.8/5
A Dream / Rêve / Traum (1'11)
· V molchanii nochi tainoi op.4/3
In the silence of the secret night / Dans le secret de la nuit paisible / In der Stille der heimlichen Nacht (2'44)
Five Romances on poems by Yevgheny Dolmatovsky op.98
· Den vstrechi
The Day of Meeting / Jour de la rencontre / Tag der Begegnung (2'27)
· Den priznanii
The Day of Confessing / Jour des aveux / Tag der Liebeserklärung (2'37)
· Den obid
The Day of Hurt / Jour des affronts / Tag der üblen Nachrede (3'05)
· Den radosti
The Day of Rejoicing / Jour de joie / Tag der Freude (1'46)
· Den vospominanii
The Day of Reminiscing / Jour des souvenirs / Tag der Erinnerungen (3'04)

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