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JOHANNES BRAHMS Symphony No.4. With Schoenberg, Variations op.31 Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Kent Nagano


The spirit of the variation.
A little over forty years separate Brahms’s Fourth Symphony from Schoenberg’s Variations op.31: little enough for two sound-worlds so radically divergent! Yet a certain conscious classicism in the handling of variation forms (the chaconne in Brahms, balanced serialism in Schoenberg) and a common affiliation – to Bach – link these masterpieces of Romanticism and dodecaphony. Is there really such a sharp divide between them?
This title was released for the first time in 2006.

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  • Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin DSO
  • Kent Nagano


Symphonie n°4 op.90
en mi mineur / E minor / e-moll

· I. Allegro non troppo (12'53)
· II. Andante moderato (11'30)
· III. Allegro giocoso (6'04)
· IV. Allegro energico e passionato (9'39)
Variations pour orchestre op.31
· Introduktion. Mäßig ruhig (1'24)
· Thema. Molto moderato (1'15)
· I. Variation. Moderato (1'15)
· II. Variation. Langsam (1'45)
· III. Variation. Mäßig (0'59)
· IV. Variation. Walzertempo (1'19)
· V. Variation. Bewegt (1'44)
· VI. Variation. Andante (1'24)
· VII. Variation. Langsam (1'51)
· VIII. Variation. Sehr rasch (0'39)
· IX. Variation. L'istesso tempo; aber etwas langsamer (1'04)
· Finale. Mäßig schnell - Grazioso - Viel rascher - Presto (6'25)

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