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Anthology "The Phoenix Rising". Tudor Church Music, incl. Byrd: Mass for 5 voices Stile Antico

    • Apple Music

    Amongst the many endeavours funded by the Carnegie UK Trust (marking its centenary in 2013), the publication of Tudor Church Music in 1922-29 was to transform the musical life of a whole nation. For the first time a significant body of the greatest Tudor compositions became accessible to scholars, performers and listeners alike. Stile Antico presents a varied selection of the finest pieces from TCM, in a programme centred around William Byrd’s masterful five-part mass.

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    Diapason d'or



    WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623]
    · Ave verum corpus (4'08)
    THOMAS TALLIS [c.1505-1585]
    · Salvator mundi (I) (3'20)
    WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623]
    · Mass for five voices: Kyrie eleison (1'36)
    · Mass for five voices: Gloria in excelis Deo (5'29)
    THOMAS MORLEY [1557-1602]
    · Nolo mortem peccatoris (3'13)
    ORLANDO GIBBONS [1583-1625]
    · O clap your hands together (5'34)
    WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623]
    · Mass for five voices: Credo (9'55)
    ROBERT WHITE [1538-1574]
    · Portio mea (6'53)
    · Christe qui lux es et dies (IV) (6'23)
    ORLANDO GIBBONS [1583-1625]
    · Almighty and Everlasting God (2'17)
    WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623]
    · Mass for five voices: Sanctus & Benedictus (4'30)
    THOMAS TALLIS [c.1505-1585]
    · In ieiunio et fletu (4'38)
    WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623]
    · Mass for five voices: Agnus Dei (3'46)
    JOHN TAVERNER [c.1490-1545]
    · O splendor gloriae (12'53)

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