Vespro della Beata Vergine (Vespers). Venice, ca.1675
Cantus Cölln, Concerto Palatino, Konrad Junghänel
Apple Music
The Venetian triumph of a German in exile. After having been considered the "Alpha & Omega Musicorum" in Germany, in 1655 Rosenmüller succeeded in escaping from Saxony where he had been imprisoned for an offence against morality… Shortly afterwards he began a new life in the City of the Doges and went on to become one of the most highly esteemed composers of the day. Dominated by an impressive Dixit Dominus of 621 bars, these Vespers of the Blessed Virgin are in the direct lineage of a Venetian tradition already glorified by Monteverdi and Cavalli.
JOHANN ROSENMÜLLER [1619-1684] Vespro della beata Vergine · Invitatorium Deus in adjutorium (0'59) · Antienne : Dum esset rex - Dixit Dominus (18'31) · Mater Jerusalem (Mater piissima) (7'08) · Antienne : Jam hiems transiit - Laudate Pueri (16'11) · Sonate en ut (5'28) · Antienne : Hortus conclusus - Laetatus sum (15'07) · Ego te laudo (4'22)
Vespro della beata Vergine · Antienne : Quo abiit dilectus tuus - Nisi Dominus (11'13) · Sonate en ré (6'12) · Antienne : Favus distilans labia tua - Lauda Jerusalem (15'53) · Regina coeli laetare (Cor meum laetare) (6'22) · Capitulum : Ab initio et ante saecula - Hymnus Ave maris stella (4'26) · Antienne Sancta Maria succurre miseris - Magnificat (18'44)
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