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HENRY PURCELL Didon & Énée / The Fairy Queen, coffret spécial Didon & Énée / The Fairy Queen, coffret spécial

3 CD
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À la fin des années 1980, William Christie et Les Arts Florissants gravaient des lectures galvanisantes de deux chefs-d’œuvre de l’opéra anglais naissant : Didon et Énée et The Fairy Queen de Purcell. Ces deux témoignages fondateurs sont désormais de nouveau disponibles, et réunis pour la première fois en un même coffret.

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Dido and Aeneas CD1ACT I · Overture (02’03) · Solo and Chorus "Shake the cloud" (Belinda) (01’05) · Song "Ah! Belinda, I am prest" (Dido)  (03’49) · Recitative "Grief increases by concealing" (Belinda) (00’35) · Chorus "When monarchs unite"  (00’14) · Recitative "Whence could so much virtue spring?" (Dido) (02’07) · Duet and Chorus "Fear no danger to ensue" (Belinda, Second Woman)  (01’35) · Recitative "See, your Royal Guest appears" (Belinda) (00’48) · Chorus "Cupid only throws the dart"  (00’28) · Recitative "If not for mine" (Aeneas) ( 00’22) · Air "Pursue thy conquest" (Belinda)  (00’49) · Chorus "To the hills and the vales"  (01’08) · The Triumphing Dance  (01’17)ACT II ·  Prelude for the Witches "Wayward Sisters, you that fright" (Sorceress, First Witch)  (01’56) · Chorus "Harm's our delight" (00’16) ·  Recitative "The Queen of Carthage" (Sorceress)  (00’29) · Chorus "Ho ho ho, ho ho ho!" (First Witch, Second Witch, Sorceress)  (01’24) · Duet "But ere we this perform" (Two Witches) (01’09) · Chorus "In our deep vaulted cell"  (01’37) · Echo Dance of Furies  (00’59) · Ritornelle (00’30) · Song and Chorus "Thanks to these lonesome vales" (Belinda)  (03’29) · Song "Oft she visits this lone mountain" (Second Woman) – Ritornelle (01’56) · Recitative "Behold, upon my bending spear" (Aeneas) (00’31) · Song and Chorus "Haste, haste to town" (Belinda) (00’50) · Recitative "Stay, Prince, and hear great Jove’s command" (Spirit)  (02’40)ACT III · Prelude (01’35) · Chorus "Come away, fellow sailors" (00’47) · Recitative "See the flags and streamers curling" (Sorceress)  (01’12) · Song "Our next Motion" (Sorceress)  (00’37) · Chorus "Destruction's our delight" (00’34) · The Witches' Dance (01’27) · Recitative "Your counsel all is urged in vain" (Dido) (04’01) · Chorus "Great minds against themselves conspire" (01’02) · Recitative "Thy hand, Belinda" (Dido)  (01’09) · Song "When I am laid in earth" (Dido's lament)  (04’07) · Chorus "With drooping wings ye Cupids come" (02’57)The Fairy Queen Livret d'après "Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Eté" de William Shakespeare Libretto after "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare Libretto nach "Ein Sommernachtstraum" von William ShakespeareCD2 · First Musick · 1. Prelude (1'30) · 2. Hornpipe (0'50) · Second Musick · 3. Air (0'58) · 4. Rondeau (1'40) · 5. Overture (1'25)ACT I · 6. Duet 'Come, let us leave the town' (1'43) · 7. Scene of the drunken Poet 'Fill up the bowl' (6'00) · 8. First act tune: Jig (1'03)ACT II · 9. 'Come all ye songsters' (2'30) · 10. Prelude (1'20) · 11. Chorus 'May the God of Wit inspire' · 12. Echo (2'25) · 13. Chorus 'Now join your warbling voices all'. 'Sing while we trip it'. Dance of Fairies (2'53) · 14. Entrance of Night 'See, even Night herself is here' (4'48) · 15. Entrance of Mystery 'I am come to lock all fast' (0'52) · 16. Entrance of Secrecy 'One charming night gives more delight' (2'22) · 17. Entrance of Sleep 'Hush, no more' (5'02) · 18. Dance for the followers of Night (1'22) · 19. Second act tune: Air (1'25)ACT III · 20. 'If love's a sweet passion' (5'15) · 21. Symphony while the swans come forward (1'30) · 22. Dance for the Fairies (0'45) · 23. Dance for the Green Men (1'45) · 24. 'Ye gentle spirits of the air' (5'00) · 25. Dialogue between Coridon and Mopsa (3'30) · 26. 'When I have often heard young maids complaining' (2'00) · 27. Dance for the Haymakers (0'50) · 28. 'A thousand, thousand ways' (2'13) · 29. Third act tune: Hornpipe (0'50)CD3 ACT IV · 30. Symphony (6'25) · 31. 'Now the night is chased away' · 32. 'Lete the Fifes and the Clarions' (3'15) · 33. Entry of Phoebus (0'35) · 34. 'When a cruel long winter' · 35. Chorus 'Hail! great parent of us all' (5'02) · 36. Spring 'Thus the ever grateful Spring' (2'13) · 37. Summer 'Here's the Summer, sprightly, gay' (1'30) · 38. Autumn 'See, see my many colour'd fields' (2'40) · 39. Winter 'Next Winter comes slowly' (3'38) · 40. Fourth act tune: Air (1'02)ACT V · 41. Prelude (1'10) · 42. Juno 'Thrice happy lovers' (2'50) · 43. The Plaint 'O let me weep!' (8'15) · 44. Entry Dance (1'25) · 45. Symphony (1'00) · 46. A Chinese Man 'Thus the gloomy world' (4'05) · 47. Chinese Woman 'Thus happy and free' (0'45) · 48. Chinese Man 'Yes, Daphne' (1'50) · 49. Monkey's Dance (0'53) · 50. 'Hark! how all things with one sound rejoice' (2'05) · 51. 'Hark! the echoing air a triumph sings' (2'30) · 52. 'Sure the dull God of Marriage does not hear' (2'30) · 53. Prelude · 54. Hymen 'See, I obey' (1'47) · 55. 'Turn then thine eyes' (0'40) · 56. Hymen 'My torch indeed will from such brightness shine' (0'45) · 57. 'They shall be happy as they are fair' (0'50) · 58. Chaconne (2'40) · 59. 'They shall be as happy as they are fair' (0'50)

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