Pure musical speculations? The successors of Guillaume de Machaut carried polyphonic complexity to unresonable lengths, even beyond those already attained by the Ars Nova. But these pieces of 'superior art' go well beyond mere speculation. Just before the Renaissance they propounded a scientific vision of music on the borders of the mystical! This title was released for the first time in 1987.
CUNELIER · Se Galaas et le puissant Artus (6'19) GUIDO · Dieux gart (8'05) ANONYMOUS · Sans joie avoir (1'58) GUIDO · Or voit tout (5'09) ANONYMOUS · Toute clerté (2'47) BAUDE CORDIER · Tout par compas (2'15) · Belle, bonne, sage (4'28) GOSCALCH · En nul estat (4'44) JACOB SENLECHES · La harpe de mellodie (2'17) SOLAGE · Fumeux fume par fumée (5'06) FRANÇOIS ANDRIEU · Armes, amours (5'59) ANONYMOUS · Adieu vous di (3'38)
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