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JOSEPH HAYDN Klaviersonaten Nr. 11, 31, 38 & 55 Alain Planès

    • Apple Music

    Haydn wrote keyboard sonatas for 'connoisseurs' and 'amateurs' throughout his career. Alternating bread-and-butter work and rich terrains of experimentation, they bear the mark of endlessly renewed invention. For the music lover afraid of losing his way in this abundant output, Alain Planès proposes a personal selection of works.
    We can follow him with complete confidence.

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    JOSEPH HAYDN [1732-1809]
    Sonate n°11 Hob.XVI:2
    en Si bémol majeur / B flat major / B-dur

    · Moderato (6'35)
    · Largo (5'21)
    · Menuet (3'58)
    Sonate n°31 Hob.XVI:46
    en La bémol majeur / A flat major / As-dur

    · Allegro moderato (7'35)
    · Adagio (8'26)
    · Finale. Presto (2'46)
    · Fantaisie Hob.XVII:4
    en Ut majeur / C major / C-dur
    Presto (6'11)
    Sonate n°38 Hob.XVI:23
    en Fa majeur / F major / F-dur

    · Moderato (4'53)
    · Adagio (8'11)
    · Finale. Presto (4'00)
    Sonate n°55 Hob.XVI:41
    en Si bémol majeur / B flat major / B-dur

    · Allegro (9'10)
    · Allegro di molto (2'25)

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