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Sonate e Canzoni "per concertar con l'organo"

Concerto Palatino, Bruce Dickey, Charles Toet
    • Apple Music

    In quest of lost organs. All attemps to 'reconstruct' the famous sonatas and canzones of Gabrieli as they were played at San Marco in Venice have come up against a major obstacle: the disappearance of the two organs of the basilica after his death. One of the principal virtues of this recording is that it has tried to restore the original stereophonic effect of the works as accurately and naturally as possible by performing them in San Petronio in Bologna where two organs very similar to those in Venice have survived.

    This title was released for the first time in 2000.

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    • Concerto Palatino
    • Bruce Dickey
    • Charles Toet


    GIOVANNI GABRIELI [1553-1612]
    · Canzon septimi toni a 8 (Sacrae Symphoniae, 1597) (4'31)
    · Canzon V a 7 (Canzoni e sonate, 1615) (3'40)
    · Canzon primi toni a 10 (Sacrae Symphoniae, 1597) (3'11)
    · Canzon noni toni a 8 (Sacrae Symphoniae, 1597) (3'14)
    · Canzon VIII a 8 (Canzoni e sonate, 1615) (5'37)
    · Canzon X a 8 (Canzoni e sonate, 1615) (4'35)
    · Ricercar del primo tono (3'18)
    · Canzon duodecimi toni a 10 (Sacrae Symphoniae, 1597) (5'45)
    · Canzon seconda (Canzoni per sonare, 1608) (2'54)
    · Canzon in echo duodecimi toni a 10 accomodata per concertar con l'organo (Sacrae Symphoniae, 1597) (4'44)
    · Canzon septimi toni a 8 (Sacrae Symphoniae, 1597) (3'57)
    · Canzon VI a 7 (Canzoni e sonate, 1615) (4'48)
    · Canzon duodecimi toni a 8 (Sacrae Symphoniae, 1597) (4'17)
    · Canzon XI a 8 (Canzoni e sonate, 1615) (4'17)
    · Canzon octavi toni a 12 (Sacrae Symphoniae, 1597) (3'57)
    · Canzon XII a 8 (Canzoni e sonate, 1615) (4'05)
    · Canzon XIV a 10 (Canzoni e sonate, 1615) (4'01)
    · Canzon XVI a 12 (Canzoni e sonate, 1615) (5'01)

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