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Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas

Cembalo, Orgel


Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas studied the organ, the harpsichord, chamber music and conducting at the Paris and Lyon Conservatoires (CNSMD). Among his teachers were Louis Robilliard, Jan Willem Jansen, Michel Bourcier, Nicolas Brochot, François Espinasse, Yves Rechsteiner, Olivier Baumont and Blandine Rannou. He has won prizes at several international organ competitions: the Grand Prix d’Orgue Jean-Louis Florentz of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, First Prize by unanimous decision of the judges at the Gottfried Silbermann Organ Competition in Freiberg (Germany), Second Prize at the Saint-Maurice Competition (Switzerland) and First Prize at the prestigious Xavier Darasse Competition in Toulouse. In 2013 he received the title of Young Echo Organist of the Year.
Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas has given organ recitals in France – Paris (church of La Madeleine, Auditorium de Radio France), Toulouse (Festival Toulouse les Orgues) – and elsewhere in Europe, including Germany (Berlin Cathedral), the Netherlands (Alkmaar), Switzerland, Italy and Monaco (International Organ Festival). He has also worked with such conductors as Hervé Niquet, Arie Van Beek and Roberto Forés Veses. His research on the composers François Rebel and François Francœur was recognised by the award of the Déclics Jeunes scholarship of the Fondation de France.
Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas is also director of Les Surprises, an ensemble specialising in the vocal and instrumental repertory of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, with which he has already appeared in several European countries, Canada and Palestine.
He is currently completing his residency at the Fondation Royaumont as organist of the Abbey’s Cavaillé-Coll instrument.

Bevorstehende Konzerte

Alle Konzerte Alle Konzerte
Châtellerault , Vienne, FR
Compiègne, Oise, FR
Tourcoing, Nord, FR
Neuilly-sur-Seine , Hauts-de-Seine, FR

Letzte Aktualisierung Februar 2019

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