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Arias & Cantatas op.1

René Jacobs
    • Apple Music

    A real discovery. As a pupil of Heinrich Schütz, Caspar Kittelis a representative of one of the most important traditions inseventeenth-century German music. His printed collection from 1638 is avery successful mixture of German and Italian elements. With the poemsof Martin Opitz, Kittel set the best German-language texts that histime had to offer. The attention to the subtleties of the language, theevocation of nature’s moods, and the exploration of human emotions inthe areas of love, growing-old, and death are of great artistic quality.

    This title was released for the first time in 2000.

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    • Caspar Kittel


    CASPAR KITTEL [1603-1639] · Aria XIV : 'Ein ieglich Ding hat seine Zeit' (3'00) · Aria VIII : 'Ihr schwarzen Augen, ihr' (4'42) · Aria XVII : 'Als ich nechst war ausspazieret' (5'01) · Aria III : 'Coridon, der gieng betrübet' (7'38) · Aria XXIII : 'Oime Amor, wie schnell hast' mich' (2'59) · Aria VI : 'Gleich wie zur Sommerszeit' (9'43) · Aria XII : 'Geht, meine Seufzer, hin' (5'40) · Aria I : 'Mein Lieb, wie schöne bist doch du' (9'29) · Aria XX : 'O du Gott der süssen Schmerzen' (4'08) · Aria IV : 'Wie schöne Füß' (10'40) · Aria XI : 'Ietzund kömbt die Nacht herbei' (7'54)

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