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"Resonances" Series "Voices of Ancient Abbeys": Plainchant & medieval polyphony Multiple performers

2 CD
    • Apple Music

    Between the early Middle Ages and the thirteenth century, the great abbeys were key artistic centres, the focus of intensive musical creation. From Santiago de Compostela to Saint-Denis, from Royaumont to Fontevraud by way of Mont Saint-Michel, the walls of these imposing edifices echoed to the finest voices in the medieval West, in the service of the original sung repertory of the Roman Church: Gregorian chant. This anthology is an invitation to explore eight centuries of sacred music as it was celebrated in such monastic houses.

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    Chant of the Church of Milan
    · Lucernarium: Paravi lucernam Christo meo (4'37)
    · Alleluia - Versus: Hodie in Bethlehem puer natus est (7'21)
    Chant from Benevento Cathedral The Adoration of the Cross
    · Antiphona: Otin to stauron / O quando in cruce (6'45)
    · Responsorium: Amicus meus osculi me traditVersus: Retulit triginta argenteis (6'37)
    · Chant of the Church of Rome Byzantine influences
    Offertorium: Terra tremuitV. Notus in Iudea - V. Et factus est in pace - V. Ibi confregit (9'57)
    Old Roman Chant Vespers of Easter Day (6th-13th centuries)
    · Antiphona Alleluia. Psalmus 110 Confitebor. Antiphona Alleluia (3'43)
    · Oratio Concede questimus (1'11)
    · R. In die resurrectionis. V. Congregabo gentes (2'56)
    Gregorian Chant Gallican responsories and monophonic chants
    · Cum audisset. Gallican antiphon (3'28)
    · Omnes amici mei. Responsory (Mode III) (3'24)
    · Tristis est anima mea. Responsory (translation of a Byzantine chant) (3'11)
    Cistercian Chant Responsories of Matins for the Feast of St Bernard
    · Prima virtus viri sancti (3'09)
    · Testamentum eternum (5'33)
    · Oliva fructifera (3'19)
    · Dedit Dominus confessionem sancto suo (5'24)

    1000: Mass for the End of Time
    · Alleluia II: Ascendens Cristus (4'53)
    · Lectio: Apocalypsis 21:1-5 (2'39)
    · Prosa: Regnantem sempiterna (2'35)
    · Hymnus: Cives celestis patrie (5'37)
    The Great Pilgrimages The Miracles of St James
    · Invitatio: Venites omnes cristicole (1'13)
    · Responsorium: O adiutor omnium seculorum (8'41)
    PETER ABELARD [1079-1142]
    Abelard and Heloise: from Saint-Denis to the Paraclete Monastic Song
    · O quanta qualia (6'09)
    · Virgines caste (8'18)
    · Planctus cigne (3'10)
    · De profundis (11'19)
    Towards the Gothic Era Saint-Martial of Limoges and Aquitaine
    · Resonemus hoc natali (3'19)
    · In hoc anni circulo (7'40)
    · Orienti oriens (2'19)


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