Sonate a tre "La Follia". Sonate a due violini
Ensemble 415, Chiara Banchini
Apple Music
Among various instrumental works composed by Vivaldi, there are twenty-seven trio sonatas, most of them written for two violins - either with or without continuo. Twelve of these sonatas were published in 1705 by the Venetian music publisher, Giuseppe Sala in a collection entitled Suonate da Camera a Tre, due Violini, e Violone o Cembalo. This Opus 1 collection contains the earliest known sonatas by Vivaldi. As indicated on the title-page of the collection, they could be played by two violins and violoncello (originally a violone) or by two violins and harpsichord.
This title was released for the first time in 1991.
ANTONIO VIVALDI [1678-1741] · Suonate da Camera, a tre, due violini e violone o cembalo, op.1 (Venezia, 1705)
Sonata op.1 n°12 RV 63 "La Follia" en ré mineur / D minor / d-moll (11'18) Sonata op.1 n°8 RV 64 en ré mineur / D minor / d-moll · Preludio, largo (5'22) · Corrente, allegro (1'59) · Grave (2'02) · Giga, allegro (2'12) 4 Suonate a 2 violini, da camera da suonarsi anco senza il basso
Sonata RV 68 en Fa majeur F major / F-dur · Allegro (3'52) · Larghetto (2'03) · Allegro molto (3'28) Sonata RV 71 en Sol majeur G major / G-dur · Allegro (4'09) · Larghetto (3'38) · Allegro (3'57) Sonata RV 77 en Si bémol majeur B flat major / B-dur · Allegro (4'59) · Andante (5'26) · Allegro (3'18) Sonata RV 70 en Fa majeur F major / F-dur · Allegro (2'59) · Andante (4'23) · Allegro (3'52)
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