An Italian travel diary Paris, 1665: a young composer leaves the Saint-Michel district to embark on a journey to Rome. The journey promises to be a long one, its stopovers rich in encounters for Charpentier . . . On this CD, Sébastien Daucé invites us on an imaginary recreation of that voyage of initiation, from Cremona (Merula) to Rome (Beretta), by way of Venice (Cavalli) and Bologna (Cazzati). A journey in space, but also in time, through the sources of inspiration of a composer whose future works were to recall the colours of Italy – as the magnificent Mass for four choirs testifies.
· ParisSub tuum praesidium H.28
Antiphona sine Organo ad Virginem (2'18)
· BolognaSalve caput sacrosanctumMotetti a otto voci, con il suo Basso continuo, op.52. Bologna, 1669 (2'54)
· VeneziaSonata a 12 in D minor / ré mineur (3'50)
· MagnificatMessa, e Salmi concertati con istromenti, imni, antifone & sonate, a due 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 e 12 voci, 1656 (16'27)
TARQUINIO MERULA [1594/95-1665]
· CremonaCredidi propter quod (Concertato senza intonatione, Basso & doi Violini)
Il terzo libro delli salmi et messa concertati a tre et a quatro con Istromenti & senza
- Salmi et messa concertati, op. 18. Venezia, 1652 (4'10)
FRANCESCO BERETTA [ca.1640-ca.1694]
RomaMissaMirabiles elationes maris
· Kyrie I (1'59)
· Christe (3'00)
· Kyrie II (2'15)
GIUSEPPE GIAMBERTI [ca.1600-ca.1663]
· Similabo eum viro sapienti (2'31)
FRANCESCO BERETTA [ca.1640-ca.1694]
· MissaMirabiles elationes maris
Et incarnatus est (1'46)
· MissaSi Deus pro nobis Crucifixus (1'47)
MissaMirabiles elationes maris
· Sanctus (2'48)
· Agnus Dei (1'48)
· ParisMesse pour les trépassés H. 2
Symphonie du Kyrie (1'30)
Messe à 4 choeurs H. 4
· Kyrie I (2'38)
· Christe (2'13)
· Kyrie II (2'38)
· Gloria (5'45)
· Credo (9'48)
· Sanctus (3'05)
· Agnus Dei (2'43)
· Domine salvum fac regem H.285 (1'34)
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